Day 7 – Unity in the body of Christ

ZTCC Gathering image

As we conclude the seven days of prayer and fasting, our hearts overflow with gratitude as we lift praise to the Lord for His mighty hand at work among us. Throughout this dedicated period, we have witnessed the manifestation of His goodness, experienced deliverance, gained spiritual enlightenment, and rejoiced in the restoration of unity. The transformative journey has, indeed, turned us into locust eaters.

Holy Communion led by our father; Apostle Dr. Paul Gitwaza

Matthew 26:26
“As they were eating, Jesus took some bread and blessed it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, “Take this and eat it, for this is my body.”

Passover commenced with the Israelites on the pivotal night of their departure from Egypt. Following nine plagues inflicted upon the land, the tenth and final plague unfolded, Number Ten—a number of trials. Passover symbolizes the Lord “passing over” those homes marked with the protective sign of sheep’s blood on their doors.

The man of God led us in a sacred moment of Holy Communion, guiding us through a prayer that humbled our hearts before the throne of God. Together, we cleansed our hearts and elevated our spirits in unison.

Word of God from Apostle Dr. Paul Gitwaza: The Power of Three

In the days of his youth, David found solace in the humble occupation of a shepherd, tending to his flock with diligence. During moments of respite, he would reflect at the well of Bethlehem. As believers, there comes a time when we must be mindful of the mighty works of God experienced in the wilderness of our lives and reconnect with the source, such as the well of Bethlehem. In challenging times, God serves as our refuge, providing strength and guidance. These periods of refuge serve as a divine preparation, shaping and molding us for future manifestations of His purpose. In these moments, God instills valuable qualities within us, preparing us to be the solution to the struggles and challenges faced by our families.May their eyes may be opened to recognize that, in you, lies the potential to deliver them from their fights and tribulations.

The life of Adullam, symbolized by the cave, is a solitary journey, a time when you find the challenges you face are inherently personal, a burden that you carry on your own. When others come seeking you, may they find you immersed in the presence of God, diligently seeking His face and engaging in worship – for that, indeed, is the cave of believers. Hallelujah! Embrace this period, for it is in the sanctuary of solitude that you can deepen your connection with God and draw strength from His divine presence.

God, in His divine plan, has ordained three individuals to accompany you steadfastly through the various seasons of life. Our God is the ultimate dispeller of loneliness. The moments spent at the well of Bethlehem represent a time of innocence, a phase where one is untouched by the negative facets of humanity, holding onto the belief that everyone harbors good intentions.

Throughout your life, there exists a poignant point of reference, a repository of memories that encapsulates the goodness of the Lord. God desires to restore you to those times in their fullest measure, rekindling the joy that was once abundant in your life.

Prepare for three individuals appointed by God to fulfill His promises in your life. Satan may attempt to delay, but these three, resilient against his influence, will reconnect you with the well of Bethlehem. You might overcome one challenge, but the collective strength of these three is insurmountable. Embrace this time to renew your connection with heaven and rediscover your divine calling. Through them, God’s plans for your life will unfold.

Express gratitude not merely to those who provided things but to those who guided you back to the source. Those who have played a role in leading you to a closer connection with God should never be spoken ill of; instead, they deserve appreciation for their invaluable contribution to your spiritual journey.

Reference scriptures

2 Samuel 23:13-17
“During harvest time, three of the thirty chief warriors came down to David at the cave of Adullam, while a band of Philistines was encamped in the Valley of Rephaim. At that time David was in the stronghold, and the Philistine garrison was at Bethlehem. David longed for water and said, “Oh, that someone would get me a drink of water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem!” So the three mighty warriors broke through the Philistine lines, drew water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem and carried it back to David. But he refused to drink it; instead, he poured it out before the Lord. “Far be it from me, Lord, to do this!” he said. “Is it not the blood of men who went at the risk of their lives?” And David would not drink it.”

Matthew 18:18-20
“Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.”

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Prayer led by Our father

God desires your reconnection to the well of Bethlehem, the ground of dreams and promises. Prayed for the involvement of three individuals who will lead us back to the power of the cross, reconnecting us with the well as a place of God’s mighty hand. This is the time of restoration. Hallelujah!

Time for the prophetic

The Lord showed our father; a cross before everybody. He saw three people coming from that cross, and started to surround everyone. The time of victory called for an ushering in praise to our Lord and King Jesus Christ as led by the Holy Spirit. In the same vision, he then saw a person coming from the cross, their hands were like strongholds. As he looked beyond, he beheld a deep pit and heard a voice affirming that all those unguarded would descend into it, while those protected would remain unharmed.
God spoke to the man of God, sharing that the longstanding plan for this region was to connect Rwanda, Congo, and Burundi. In the past, these countries worked together in unity, fostering development collaboratively. However, the current status of foreign relations with these countries is now at stake.
In a vision, he witnessed three crosses in the other atmosphere—one for Rwanda, one for Burundi, and one for Congo. The revelation emphasized that when these crosses unite, the synergy of three holds the key to a significant accomplishment. In these nations, there are three things; wealth, wisdom and beauty.

Apostle Gitwaza guided us in a special prayer of unity of the three countries, declaring the rainbow as a sign of peace in the atmosphere of the three countries. The service concluded with an atmosphere of thanksgiving and praise.