Our Strategies

To Raise An Altar Of Prayer

Intercession (24 hrs/7 days): where every member will become an intercessor, contending for the manifestation of God's Kingdom on Earth. (Rev 5:8 ; 83-4 ; Isaiah 62:1, 6-7)

To Awaken Hearts To Life

Awakening people's hearts to know their identity in God and to live a life worthy of their calling

To Equip And Empower Believers

Equipping and empowering believers spiritually, economically and socially.

To Reactivate Gifts And Ministries

Reactivating the different gifts and ministries that God has imparted to the Church.

To Raise An Altar Of Prayer

Tabernacle of David (24 hrs/7 days): where every believer will worship God on earth, just as it’s in heaven. (I Chronicles 25:-7 ; Acts 15:16-17 ; Psalm22:3)

To Preach The Authentic Word

Preaching the authentic word of God based on the truth revealed in the Holy Scriptures.

To Promote A Spirit Of Revival

Promoting a spirit of revival (repentance, fasting and prayer, witnessing, etc).

To Raise An Army Of Disciples For The Great Commission

Training and sending local missionaries (Evangelize): To stir up a spirit of Preaching to the lost, where every member will witness Jesus as Lord and Savior. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Two Types Of Messages