A week of divine testimonies with Apotre Maman Domitila

mama Domithile

Welcome to the week of repentance that brings restoration. We have been blessed to move from Glory to Glory. After a week of divine empowerment where we learnt of the power of our choices, and the unprecedented implications they have, it was also a time to see both now and times past, the glory and blessing of choosing God over any other master. In that same path, we will be blessed this week to be together with a witness of that choice. A mighty woman of God who has chosen Jesus and was evermore blessed and set apart to witness and tell the great works of God of now and the afterlife.

Apostle Maman Domitila as our special guest

Maman Domitila is a fervent woman of God with a passion of telling the world of the goodness of God, the revelation of Jesus Christ and the beauty of heaven as one who has been there. Throughout her life in ministry and fellowship with God, she has experienced the reality of the spiritual world, walked and ministered with angels, advised presidents and those in high positions of power but most excitedly died in the flesh and met Jesus Christ. She is among the few people in the history of the world who have died and came back to life after 3 days by the power of God.

Today, she is an apostle of God ordained in the office by our father, the Apostle Dr. Paul Muhirwa Gitwaza. Under that office, she is the founder and visionary of a powerful ministry in Canada where the glory of God is still evident to this day. Apostle maman Domitile from her youth to her old age today has never stopped speaking about Jesus, her encounters in the spiritual realm, her experience of death and resurrection and the journey of bringing the revival in hearts and nations is a testament and we can surely acclaim as “acts of apostles” in our generation.

As Zion Temple Celebration Centre; the dwelling place of God, we will be honored to receive Apostle maman Domitila under the explicit invitation of our father, Apostle Gitwaza. She will be ministering in the evening services from Tuesday to Friday, January 23rd to 26th at ZTCC, Gatenga parish. These divine moments will also be captured on our online and broadcasting channels namely; OTV, ORadio, youtube and Facebook.

What can you expect?

In this year of the Lord’s attention to his people, we are starting with the theme of repentance and in its course bringing restoration. As we learn and grow through the ministration and testimony of the apostle of Jesus Christ, we receive and partake in that spirit of commitment to the cause of Jesus Christ. That our families and ourselves may encounter Jesus as the woman of God did and that The Lord may be real and equally tangible in our lives.

As the word of God says that we have overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelations 12:11), it will be such in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!