The Monthly Article of June: The Month of Wealth Recovery


June was a month dedicated to the theme of wealth recovery, marked by spiritual renewal and practical lessons on financial restoration. The first week was particularly significant, as it was devoted to fasting and prayer, under the guidance of Pastor Emmanuel Gberekpee. This week was rich in teachings about Biblical promises for profit and the principles that underpin a prosperous and fulfilling life in accordance with God’s will.

Biblical Promises for Profit

God’s Blessing on Work

Pastor Emmanuel Gberekpee emphasized the importance of work through references to Deuteronomy 28:12 and Psalms 90:16-17, highlighting that God blesses the work of our hands. This teaching underscores a core Biblical principle: active engagement in labor is a conduit for divine blessings.

Core Elements in the Bible

Three fundamental elements are consistently present in the Bible: promises, principles, and prophecies. Promises are God’s commitments to His people, principles are guidelines and rules for living, and prophecies are predictions and divine messages. These elements are essential for understanding scripture and applying it to our lives.

The Importance of God’s Word

God’s word is integral to the creation and continuation of the world. Every action and blessing from God is executed through His word, making it crucial for believers to engage deeply with scripture. Seeking and understanding God’s will and promises through scripture is foundational for living a life aligned with His plans.

Engagement with God’s Word Scriptural Basis

Engaging with scripture allows believers to understand God’s will and promises. This engagement should lead to active faith—where hearing God’s word is coupled with doing His work. God’s promises come with responsibilities; He blesses active engagement and work, not laziness.

Keys to Accessing God’s Promises

Knowledge is critical for accessing God’s promises. Hosea 4:6 and Isaiah 5:13 link knowledge to prosperity and avoiding spiritual poverty. The Holy Spirit plays a vital role in educating believers about God’s promises and how to prosper, as highlighted in 1 Corinthians 2:12. Beyond desire, there must be an active pursuit of knowledge and its application in life.

Serving God Profit in Service

Serving God is profitable, as exemplified by God’s sacrifice of His only Son to gain many believers. This divine example underscores the value of service in God’s eyes and its ultimate profitability.

Recovering from Losses
The Role of God’s Grace in Restoration

God’s grace is powerful in restoration and renewal, creating new opportunities and blessings. Sacrifices made for the Kingdom are often rewarded with greater blessings than before. Losses, whether financial, relational, or related to one’s destiny, are a common experience. However, God promises restoration, as seen in Joel 2:25-26 and Job 42:10-16.

Understanding Loss and Restoration

God may provide valuable replacements rather than returning the exact things lost. Joel’s prophecy represents the promise of restoration, while Job’s story shows its fulfillment. Real losses are measured in eternal values, and some are allowed by God to refocus us on eternal purposes.

Trusting in God’s Plan

Mark 8:36-37 emphasizes the futility of gaining the world but losing one’s soul. Luke 18:28-30 assures believers that sacrifices made for the Kingdom will be rewarded both in this life and the next. Job’s experience teaches that it is not personal righteousness but God’s grace that restores us.

Biblical Principles for Recovering Losses Forget the Past

Letting go of past pain and trauma is crucial for recovery. Isaiah 43:18-19 encourages believers to perceive and receive the new things God is doing, while 1 Samuel 16:1 advises moving beyond mourning past losses to embrace God’s new plans.

Final Encouragement

Serving God is never in vain; He promises both restoration and eternal life. Prioritizing God’s Kingdom ensures that all other needs will be met. Embracing new beginnings and trusting in God’s plan are essential for recovery and greater fulfillment.

Recovering from Financial Curses with Prof. Alfred Bizoza Biblical Foundations for Financial Restoration

1. Malachi 3:9-12: Israel faced curses for robbing God by neglecting tithes and offerings. God promises blessings and protection if the people bring their tithes

2. Haggai 1:7-11: Neglecting God’s house leads to material lack. Prioritizing spiritual values is essential for financial blessings.

3. Numbers 18:26-29: The Levites were instructed to give a portion of their received tithes back to God, emphasizing the importance of giving back from our resources.

4. Deuteronomy 14:22: Reiterates the importance of setting aside a tenth of one’s produce or income.

Key Messages and Lessons Trust and Obedience

Faithful stewardship and obedience to God’s commandments are crucial. God assesses trust through how we handle the resources He gives us. Offerings should come from a cheerful heart, recognizing that all we have belongs to God.

Principles of Financial Wisdom

Practical steps such as budgeting and seeking financial wisdom are essential. Emotional healing from guilt and fear associated with financial losses is necessary. Illustrative Biblical stories, such as Abraham’s giving of a tenth of everything (Genesis 14:20-22) and the understanding that God, the Creator of all, desires our obedience and trust (Acts 17:24-27), reinforce these principles.

Practical Application Stewardship and Accountability

Using the 90% remaining after tithing wisely and responsibly, avoiding ego and competition-driven expenses, and aligning with God’s principles are vital for financial restoration. Spiritual commitment, aligning with God’s principles, and seeking economic independence are also crucial.

The Power to Get Wealth with Prof. John Bosco Kanyangoga Source of Wealth

God is the source of all power and the ability to obtain wealth, as stated in Deuteronomy 8:18. His blessings bring prosperity without painful toil. Christians are encouraged to keep loving Jesus, who will lead us to the Kingdom of God.

Financial Recovery

The sermon focused on “financial recovery” for the month, emphasizing the power to get wealth. Wealth should be acquired through godly ways, satisfying our needs and ensuring we are not forsaken.

Balance in Preaching Wealth

There is a warning against extreme views on wealth. A balanced approach is encouraged, where financial blessings are seen as part of God’s provision but not the sole indicator of His favor.

Power and Covenant

Pastor Kanyangoga highlighted the significance of power in managing life’s challenges and the importance of God’s power working in us, through us, and for us. Following God’s order and covenants is essential for receiving this power.

Scriptural Foundations

Various scriptures, including Deuteronomy 8:18, Proverbs 10:22, Ephesians 3:20, Jeremiah 51:15, and Psalm 8, illustrate God’s power and faithfulness.

Call to Prayer

The sermon concluded with a call to pray for power, recognizing that God’s power can address the world’s problems and lead to true prosperity.

Avoiding Pitfalls

  1. Avoid laziness (Proverbs 10:4)
  2. Avoid selfishness (Philippians 2:3-4)
  3. Avoid self-pity (Psalm 27:13)
  4. Avoid being easily offended (Philippians 4:4-6)
  5. Avoid a victim mentality (Psalm 137:13-14)

Embracing Principles

Commit to prospering God’s way (Proverbs 19:1; Psalm 49:20; 1 John 2:15-17). Understand that personal integrity and reputation are more valuable than wealth (Proverbs 22:1). Embrace a prosperity mindset (Hebrews 13:5). Be faithful and act with integrity (2 Kings 12:15). Invest in and nurture potential (Proverbs 22:29). Embrace work, productivity, and fruitfulness (Proverbs 16:3; Psalm 90:17). Strive to be the best and provide solutions (Luke 16:10).

Three Broad Levels of Wealth

  1. Nothing – Egypt (bondage).
  2. Little – Wilderness (surviving).
  3. Abundance – Promised land (thriving, confronted with forces of Babylon/captivity)

In all situations, we have victory in our Lord Jesus Christ. Understanding and embracing spiritual support systems, such as perseverance and trust in the wilderness, building God’s house in the Promised Land, and radical determination in Babylon, are essential for navigating these levels.


June’s teachings on wealth recovery emphasized the importance of Biblical principles, active faith, and trust in God’s promises. By understanding and applying these principles, believers can navigate life’s challenges, recover from losses, and prosper in alignment with God’s will.