About Us



About Founder and President

A key leader among religious leaders in Rwanda and East Africa, Apostle Dr .Paul M. Gitwaza is rooted in the Word of God. He is a seasoned preacher, motivator, talented, and anointed to bring revival, deliverance  and nation transformation. His Deep insight and keen eye sight have brought him to become a great leader and advisor to many nation leaders, religious leaders and different organizations. He is a man not only known for serving God but also for the passion and drive that he brings to everything he commits to do in life. He is the Founder of Authentic Word Ministries, which has contributed as a key factor in birthing a move of transformation and reconciliation that are taking place in Rwanda in the aftermath of Genocide against Tutsi in 1994.Authentic Word Ministries focuses on raising authentic disciples, value-based, no-excuse leaders of integrity and exceptional organizational skills, ready to transform their families, organizations, communities, and nations to the highest level of excellency, performance, and achievement. Authentic Word Ministries has planted 123 Zion Temple Celebration Centre Churches across the globe. You will find Zion Temple Celebration Centers in Africa(Rwanda, Burundi, DRCongo, Tanzania, Uganda…), Europe(UK, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, France,  Italy…); NorthAmerica(Canada and USA), Australia(Sydney) and in Asia(China), He is senior Pastor of a largest church in Kigali Rwanda with more than 20.000 members. Besides leading Authentic Word Ministries, Apostle Dr. Gitwaza is the current President of the Alliance of Evangelical Churches in Rwanda since 2009 (53 denominations and Ministries); an active member and a Convener of the “International Coalition of Apostles” in   Texas, USA; Etc. Apostle Dr. Paul M.Gitwaza holds two Doctorates; one in Theology from Alabama Trinity Seminary and another one in Ministry from International Graduate School of Ministry At different times, he served as President and advisor to the international organizations such as the Church Council of World Relief and Peace Plan Rwanda. 

Apostle Dr. Paul M. Gitwaza Founder and President of AWM/ZTCC


Prof. Alfred R. Bizoza

Board Chair Person

Mrs. Claudine Dushimina

Board Deputy Chair Person

Mrs. Consolatta Ruboneka

Board Member

Mr. John Nkubana

Board Member

Mr.Jonas Munyangabo

Board Member